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The Changing Face of Network Protection in 2018!

Cyber threats are on the rise, becoming more plentiful every year. In response to the growing number of network security threats that businesses now face, companies must embrace certain advances in IT network security to remain safe.

According to IT industry leaders, 2018 is shaping up to become one of improving network monitoring and security methods and changing roles for IT admins. Administrators must start adopting new ideas in their approach to maintaining more secure networks.

Network Security as the Main IT Hub

Until now, it’s been acceptable to run organizations with IT network security added in as one factor that certain IT techs managed. It was up to them to ensure that every point within the network was correctly incorporated into the security system.

Due to the uptick in threats, this method of network monitoring is no longer sufficient as it leaves too many unintentional vulnerabilities. The focus must now shift to designing the entire network with security based at the main hub. In this way, everything can be controlled from the starting point to which every other device is connected.

Improving Endpoint Protection

Endpoints like computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices are most susceptible to attacks than components higher up in the network chain. To improve network security all the way to the endpoints, IT admins must address it from the main hub like everything else.

Extra mobile device management (MDM) platforms should be eliminated while security is executed higher up to more effectively manage all endpoints.

Better Cloud Management


With cloud services better and more secure than ever, IT admins must begin to fully incorporate the capabilities of cloud servers in their efforts to manage IT network security over one or many locations. When skillfully managed through a central cloud hub, admins can control all applications and endpoints at once while maintaining effective network monitoring over all locations. Reducing threats means reducing the number of control points and making use of the tools that allow complete control company-wide as opposed to just site-wide.

Routine Vulnerability Testing

In the past, many businesses viewed network security auditing and troubleshooting as something to eventually do or something to deal with as problems arose. Total system protection now requires regular annual or preferably bi-annual penetration testing and security auditing. At the rate that new threats are appearing, staying protected requires early detection and appropriate modifications to existing security systems.

To keep up with growing cyber threats in 2018, IT network security must be approached in a more holistic manner than it has been previously. Admins must incorporate everything from endpoint protection to cloud control of multiple locations under the umbrella of a main network security hub to reduce vulnerabilities.

Through improved security planning and network monitoring as well as more frequent threat penetration testing, companies have the best chance of remaining unaffected by developing cyber threats!

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