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How Can I Prevent A Data Breach At My Company?

Data breaches that affect company IT services are becoming more prevalent every year. With the costs of damages and liabilities associated with these breaches reaching into the millions of dollars, business owners must make breach prevention using effective managed IT services a priority. With the right approach to managed services, you can develop a prevention plan that reduces your company’s risk of a breach.

1. Build Awareness and Urgency Within the Company

The first step in preventing data breaches caused by vulnerabilities with company IT services is to make everyone aware of the risks. Most breaches happen because of employee carelessness or a lack of understanding what causes vulnerabilities.

Make sure everyone knows how breaches and the resulting damages happen to impress the importance of network security and the need to adhere to all rules pertaining to company managed services.

2. Develop Company Security Protocols

You must next develop company-wide protocols with the help of managed IT services professionals that address the risks your company faces. From rules on the use of company technology and limits on what can be downloaded on company devices to strong password creation requirements, make protecting the network a part of the rules that all employees must follow. Enforced protocols provide an important means of preserving network security and reducing unnecessary risks.

3. Invest in Training and Technology

Along with raising awareness among all workers, you must also invest in training for your employees to support your security efforts. Provide training on how to recognize threats and the best practices for stopping and isolating them so employees have a role in preventing breaches. Invest in current technology and IT services that can withstand the latest threats and keep your network secure.

4. Enforce Access Restrictions

Another critical step in keeping your network secure and reducing the risk of a breach is developing access levels with your managed IT services provider and implementing necessary network locks and restrictions. Research suggests that many breaches actually occur from within an organization through the “front door.”

Restricting employee access to only those parts of the network where they must work is highly protective of critical areas that could be subject to hacking, whether from within your organization or from the outside.

5. Work with Professional Managed Services That Know Security

While all the above methods are a critical part of protecting your company’s network from being hacked, technology and digital threats are constantly changing. The best way to keep up with this is to work with experienced managed services that are up-to-date with the latest threats, skilled in analyzing a company’s risk, and can help you implement necessary the security measures your company needs. This type of individual approach ensures that your network has the safeguards it needs based on how you actually use your technology.

Companies that become the victims of data breaches due to their IT services end up burdened with huge costs in liabilities, lost data, and lost business. To prevent this from happening to your company, take the right precautions with your managed IT services to reduce your risk. Partner with professional managed services that can guide you every step in making your network more functional, more secure, and less likely to be breached!

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