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Why Your Healthcare Practice Needs Managed IT Services!


In this day of increasing HIPAA regulations and heightened digital security, professional healthcare IT services have become more important than ever. In spite of this growing need, many practice owners are reluctant to obtain the specialized managed IT services their businesses desperately need.

With privacy risks at an all-time high, it is essential to invest in the healthcare IT solutions that will keep your business and your patients safe.

Why Practice Owners Refuse Managed IT Services

Many smaller and mid-sized medical practices are without professional healthcare IT services due to a number of false perceptions. One of these misconceptions is that paying for managed IT services is too expensive. Some owners feel they can handle their needs on their own or hire someone to work onsite to handle it for them.

Another reason is that many practice owners fear the loss of control over their IT if they put it in the hands of an off-site service. Unfortunately, all of these perceptions are flawed, leaving practices at risk and lacking the proper healthcare IT solutions they need to be safe.

Truth About Managed IT Services

In reality, contracting with professional healthcare IT services provides many advantages that practices do not have when handling IT on their own. Working with experts who are experienced in the needs of healthcare services and know the demands of HIPAA compliance is the best and most economical safeguard a practice can have against security threats that could leave them vulnerable to hacking.

Why Are Managed IT Services So Important?

Effective and secure managed IT services involves more than just keeping a few software programs up to date. With professional solutions, you have access to the technology your practice needs to function efficiently while maintaining HIPAA compliance, including the following:


Professional healthcare IT solutions are the most cost-effective answer to digital security and HIPAA compliance. These businesses have the tools, expertise, and provide full-time service, something an in-house IT person cannot provide. The value you receive is increased through reduced security and compliance risks as well as access to the effective support services your practice needs.

Effective Security Partnerships

A great MSP will not take control of your IT; they will become a partner with you in running IT securely and effectively. Practice owners or their designated staff members take active roles in IT planning, strategy development, and risk reduction.

HIPAA Compliance and Audits

By partnering with a professional healthcare IT services provider, you have help developing the necessary strategies that meet today’s strict HIPAA requirements. Providers ensure that security gaps are detected and resolved, which means your business is ready for upcoming security audits.

Changing Technology and Compliance Regulations – Your liability risk goes down considerably when you employ the right digital security services. Keeping up with everything from new HIPAA regulations and applications to new security threats is a full-time job on its own. Partnering with managed IT services gives you access to all of this, which can relieve your staff of this major responsibility.

It is essential that you understand the benefits your practice will gain by partnering with a professional healthcare IT services provider. Having the right healthcare IT solutions is more challenging and essential than most practice owners realize!

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